New Year resolutions don’t always have to do with diet or exercise. Home improvements can sometimes suffice as being a great way to improve your life that benefits the entire household. Whether you have a home improvement wish list or repairs that need some attention, the New Year can be a great time to analyze […]

For most, bathing in soft water can be a relaxing experience. A long soak in a warm tub can be the perfect end to a stressful day, a way to relax your muscles after a tough workout or a method to warming up your body after being out in the cold. While essential oils, bath […]

The holidays are a fun time to spend with family and friends. However, you may not always feel like you look your best during this festive season. Along with the harsh winter weather, hard water may be the main contributor to your dry skin and dull hair. If you have been experiencing any of the […]

Christmas is almost here and you are probably starting to think about the turkey and all the fixings to go along with it. Making a delicious dinner is a lot less stressful when appliances in your home are in top working shape. No one needs a malfunctioning dishwasher with all those Christmas dishes to tackle. Hard water […]

When preparing food for the holidays, you want to impress family and friends with the best tasting dishes possible. If you’re like most Americans (over 80% of the population) who get their water from a municipal supply/city water, you may need more than good baking skills to serve up a good Bundt cake or homemade […]

With the holidays comes a large to-do list with entertaining plans, cooking, cleaning and shopping. Whether you have guests visiting your home or you’re the guest on the list, we have some easy ways to make your holidays a little brighter. If you don’t have a water softener, the task of installing one isn’t as […]

The hot days are coming to an end meaning chilly days are right around the corner. As the temperatures begin to drop outside, there’s a strong possibility of pipes freezing, so maintaining your appliances is critical. Water Softener Seasonal Maintenance Checklist 1. Check softener for any salt bridging 2. Clean the brine (salt) tank with […]

There is nothing like a long, leisurely soak in a luxurious hot bath to soothe away the stresses of the day – that is, until your bathroom slime (aka soap scum and scale) starts to take over your tub. Bathtubs, faucets and showers are magnets for mildew, soap scum, grime, scale, and stubborn stains. Hard […]

If your skin is feeling creepy and crawly as we move closer to Halloween, you’re not alone. Cold air can strip moisture from pores, making skin itchy and dry. Outside of what the climate does to skin, there is another source that’s contributing to dehydrated skin – hard water. Around 85 percent of America has […]

Orange may be the hot color for your pumpkins this season, but definitely not for your sink. It may surprise you that the causes of rust stains in your sink are preventable, the result of hard water and high levels of iron. Unfortunately, if you have hard water, you can expect to lose 30 percent […]

With a change of seasons ahead for most of us, fall is the perfect time to think about updates that you can tackle around your home. Inspecting your pipes and appliances is important to prevent key (and costly) issues from appearing. These updates are especially important if you have hard water. Hard water contributes to […]

The little black dress, or LBD, is a woman’s closet staple. Each year fashion forecasters try to oust it with the latest, greatest color, and your home may be trying to do the same. Only your home, or more specifically your home’s hard water, is gunning for gray as the new color. Hard water may […]

The decline in global water purity is worsening, with the United Nations flagging the issue as a major health concern. Among the organization’s statistics is the amount of industrial and agricultural waste that is discharged into the world’s water – two million tons of sewage. That is the equivalent of the weight of the entire […]

If you could save additional dollars each month, would you? The answer is probably a resounding “yes!” The source of that savings may surprise you. The money you can recoup may be going down the drain, thanks to your water pipes. In 85 percent of North America., hard water and its high mineral content cause […]

The effects of hard water go beyond chalky faucet buildup, pipe damage and higher energy costs. The characteristics of your water can determine how well, or poorly, your shampoo and conditioning routine works. And that has an impact on both your hair and your wallet. The minerals found in hard water (calcium, magnesium and iron) […]

It’s back-to-school season and that means bake sales, prepping family dinners, packing lunchboxes and preparing after-school snacks. But did you know that your water might be affecting the taste of your food? Hard water can leave you with spotty, filmy dishes, but you may not be aware that high levels of chlorine often found in […]

It’s back-to-school season and that means back-to-school shopping. The average family with children in grades K-12 spends around $670 on apparel, shoes, supplies and electronics. Clothing comprises more thana third of that amount. So when those clothes turn gray and dingy after several washes, you may think you’ve flushed your investment down the drain. The […]

We’ve all been there. Trapped in the shower, our eyes burning from a douse of soap or shampoo. Water, or is that tears, running down our face in our attempt to wash our eyes clean and get some relief. But if that water coming from your showerhead is a trickle and not a flood, your […]

Summer is the season for increased outdoor activities. But that sometimes translates to increased sun exposure, which can also mean sunburn. Caring for sun-ravaged skin can be sensitive (literally) under any condition but especially if your water isn’t optimal quality. Assistance may lie with a water softener. It removes hard water minerals, allowing water to […]

Did you know that your water may be preventing your products from working to their full potential?
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Most homeowners get their water from a municipal source (versus a private well), but did you know that even water from a city supply could be partially sourced from a well?

For homes that have a septic system and use a water softener, it’s been shown that efficiently operated water softeners pose no problems to septic tank performance.

With a new year comes a long list of the same old resolutions. For 2015, why not resolve to improve several problems around your home in one easy step?

You know that water softeners eliminate several headaches around the home, but a common question is whether it removes important minerals from your water.

When preparing food for the holidays, you want to impress family and friends with the best-tasting dishes possible. But did you know that your water might be preventing you from serving the perfect meal?

The key to easier cleaning with fewer chemicals this holiday season? A water softener.

From quick spot treatments to more permanent fixes, these tips will give you one less thing to stress about when entertaining family and friends this holiday season.

The type of water softener, size of the brine tank, water hardness and household water usage all determine how much salt you need and how often you’ll need to replenish your softener’s salt supply.

Did you know that hard water’s effects go far beyond chalky buildup, pipe damage and higher energy bills? That same water may also be doing a number on your hair.

Whether you’re using a dealer, a plumber or your own DIY skills, there are advantages and disadvantages to each installation method.

When it comes to water softeners, the selection and installation process can be a bit overwhelming. But with a few easy tips, savvy DIYers can solve their hard water problems easily and affordably.

While sodium is used to soften water, one of the biggest misconceptions is that it makes your water noticeably salty. Luckily, that’s not the case.

If you’ve noticed stiff, harsh fabrics, graying or yellowing of clothing, soil build-up and/or weakening of fabrics, hard water is most likely the culprit.

Depending on the style of your house and where you live, finding the perfect place for your water softener may be a breeze or it may require a little extra investigation.

If you’re new to the numbers associated with hard water, here’s a breakdown of what you can expect to see in your water softener research.

The pipes and valves within major water-using appliances can also become clogged with scale, reducing water flow or causing leaks, resulting in potentially expensive part replacements.

Whether you’re in the aisles or scrolling online, water softeners have a language all their own.

Just because you add another electricity-using appliance to the home doesn’t mean it’s going to be an energy drain.

Are you in a new city or home, and your water just isn’t “right”? The best place to start is by testing your water.

Only 15% of the United States has naturally occurring soft water. The remaining 85% of us get to fight the daily battles of hard water with spotty dishes, limescale buildup and appliance inefficiency.

Many believe that a water softening system costs much more than it’s worth. In fact, the opposite is true.

In the world of appliances, water softeners are wonderfully low-key. Although low maintenance, there are a few easy ways you can make them work more efficiently and last longer.

Because water is involved in most of your daily routines, the effects of hard water are felt everywhere—your wallet included. In the short term the costs seem negligible, but over the course of a year they add up.

Unless the color of your water softener mimics something from the disco era (we’re talking harvest gold or avocado green), the indicators that suggest it may be time for an upgrade are much more subtle.

Crusty, white scale buildup on faucets, shower heads and water-using appliances is a common sign of hard water around your home.